Our Real Estate team at McGrath North offers the full spectrum of support for real estate development and redevelopment projects.
Our representation extends to owners, developers, and operators, and we have the depth of experience to help chart the right strategic course to successfully complete a project, as well as the expertise to negotiate development agreements and other definitive agreements with local authorities which protect the long term viability of the project.
Our Real Estate team knows that the success of a development project requires a keen understanding of the site selection process, site due diligence, zoning and land use regulation, and acquisition and finance and our attorneys regularly assist our developer clients through all stages of the life cycle of a development project.
We have served as lead counsel to significant developments across the Midwest and beyond, coupled where appropriate with local counsel who is managed by our Real Estate team, positions us to help effectively spearhead multiple developments for our clients regardless of geographic location. We see our role as working shoulder-to-shoulder with all internal and external stakeholders of the development team, and we judge ourselves based on our clients’ success.
Clint D. Cadwallader
Chair, Intellectual Property Group Phone (402) 633-6870ccadwallader@mcgrathnorth.com
Ronald L. Comes
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1411rcomes@mcgrathnorth.com
Michael E. Cooley
Attorney Phone (402) 633-6875mcooley@mcgrathnorth.com
Robert G. Dailey
Attorney Phone (402) 633-6899rdailey@mcgrathnorth.com
Lee H. Hamann
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1423lhamann@mcgrathnorth.com
Katherine A. McNamara
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1523kmcnamara@mcgrathnorth.com
Patrick D. Pepper
Attorney Phone (402) 633-6876ppepper@mcgrathnorth.com
James G. Powers
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1480jpowers@mcgrathnorth.com
Douglas E. Quinn
Attorney Phone (402) 341-3070dquinn@mcgrathnorth.com
Patrick J. Straka
Attorney Phone (402) 633-1494pstraka@mcgrathnorth.com